A recent cataract operation feels like a yellow film has been removed from my world. In one eye. I have to wait to get the other one done.
So now the left eye sees everything slightly yellow and the right eye sees everything slightly blue.
For an artist this is peculiar. Older paintings look different now. Should I go back and adjust the color? Does anyone else even notice?
Color is ubiquitous for us humans. It evokes and defines emotions. It gets you on the right train. It signifies political parties.
I’m unsettled by my new uncertainty. Maybe this is a good thing for an artist. Until the other eye gets done that is, then once again I won’t know the difference.
This is article is taken from Living & Painting in France, my monthly newsletter/ magazine that talks about my life in rural Brittany as an expat artist. Click here for your subscription. It’s free!