Louisa McCabe Art

Cover CdB.jpg
The house on the Lake at Chetelaudren
The house on the Lake at Chetelaudren
Marais Street Large.jpg
Marais in the Rain - Large
Marais in the Rain - Large
Place du Tertre.jpg
Cafe Rouge
Cafe Rouge
Coffee on Montmartre
Coffee on Montmartre
Cover Painting.jpg
Late Night in Zaragoza
Late Night in Zaragoza
3 paths.jpg
Three Roads
Three Roads
BackTerrace.jpg BAckTerrace R-.jpg
Garden Party
Garden Party
Guingamp Park-.jpg Guingamp Park RL-.jpg
The Park in Guingamp
The Park in Guingamp
Lake at Huelgoat.jpg Lake at Huelgoat RL.jpg
The Lake at Huelgoat
The Lake at Huelgoat
L'O.jpg L'O RL.jpg
Lunch at L'O
Lunch at L'O
Ian.jpg Ian RL.jpg
Botmel Foilage x.jpg Botmel Foilage RL.jpg
The Ruins at Botmel
The Ruins at Botmel
Pont Aven.jpg Pont Aven RLjpg.jpg
Pont Aven on the river
Pont Aven on the river