Louisa McCabe Art

The Marble Island
The Marble Island
ParisEarlyMorning.jpg ParisEarlyMorning RL.jpg
Paris - Early morning
Paris - Early morning
CowInBushes.jpg cowInBrushes-A4.jpg
Breton Cow
from €70.00
Breton Cow
from €70.00
kateskitchenOne.jpg kateskitchen-A3.jpg
Kate's Kitchen
from €70.00
Kate's Kitchen
from €70.00
Le Saint Malo.jpg Le Saint Malo A3.jpg
At the Cafe Saint Malo
from €70.00
At the Cafe Saint Malo
from €70.00
Opera-Paris.jpg opera 8x11 rl.jpg
The Opera
from €70.00
The Opera
from €70.00
Your Eyes Greta.jpg YourEyes -Greta-actual A4.jpg
Your Eyes - Greta Garbo
from €70.00
Your Eyes - Greta Garbo
from €70.00
Sacre Coeur Up the Hill
from €70.00
Sacre Coeur Up the Hill
from €70.00
MetroChatelet2 copy.jpg MetroChatelet- A3.jpg
Metro Chatelet
from €70.00
Metro Chatelet
from €70.00
Marais inTHeRainNEW.jpg MaraisInTheRain-A4.jpg
The Marais in the Rain
from €70.00
The Marais in the Rain
from €70.00
UpTheStSacreCoeur2 copy.jpg
Looking up to Sacre Coeur
from €70.00
Looking up to Sacre Coeur
from €70.00