The Olive Seller - available here
This week I am posting another Painting Story. Since my Cannes show was cancelled in April I am highlighting paintings that would have been shown in the exhibtion.
I am highlighting three paintings this episode, two oils and a watercolor. They are all olive sellers. Click on the link below to see the vidoe.
This episode is about street markets. I love wandering around street markets checking out the stalls, buying tasty items, smelling exotic spices, looking at some of the ludicrous hand made items (hand-carved soap santas etc). Paris has a serious of famous markets, but most French towns of any size have their own markets. Even our local town of 3,000 people has it’s own market. Brittany does not have that many specialities of the region – pretty much cider and crepes, which are excellent of course. But at our local market you can go and get Italian cheese, Caribbean mustard, and organic crème fraîche along with the other usual French delicacies.
Markets are a great place to see people going about their business but taking their time about it. They are not rushing for the train. They stop and chat in groups. They meander around. And for a taste of cafe life they meet for coffee and croissants and debate politics and who grows the best potatoes (that one is literally true!). They gossip in line at the butcher’s stall. It’s a very undigital world even if they are clutching their devices. Life is swirling around you.
For a painter this is a lively scene, though in these Covid lockdown times everything is more subdued. If a second wave crashes it’s always good to remember what we are missing. Hopefully we can get back to a new and improved normal when the time comes.