Louisa McCabe Art

What is the American Dream?

Louisa McCabeComment

Yours truly promoting “Le rêve américain” (The American Dream) show last summer.

When Carrie finds her dream man he whisks her off to Paris. (Sex in the City).

When Rachel fails to land Ross she accepts a job in Paris. (Friends).

When Diane decides to retire she plans to buy a villa in the south of France. (The Good Fight).

None of them do these things. But have you noticed that according to popular culture, the American Dream is actually to live in France?

There’s plenty more where that comes from — in Bones, in Midnight in Paris, in Francis Ha. And that’s before you even mention Hemingway and his ex-pat buddies.

For Americans there is a mystique about France that goes beyond food, wine, and beautiful sights. Many European countries have all this but for some reason France is what captures our imagination.

For me, it’s a friendly, gorgeous place. There is lots to paint and plenty of places to visit.

And then there’s this: things have been hotting up here in France. There has been discontent over police overreach, diminishing opportunities for poorer people, and the lowering of the retirement age.

But you know what? It’s still safer to be in a French riot than to be in an American elementary school. I’m a big fan of the American Dream. Lmc

This article appears in the June issue of Living & Painting in France, my pdf magazine. Click here for your monthly subscription. It’s free!
